An article1 co-authored by M2 Prutphongs, M1 Ito, Gen12th Aoki, Principal Researcher Motoharu Hiroki from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), and Assistant Professor Satoshi Ikezawa from Waseda University has been published in Optics Express (IF=3.2), issued by Optica. A press release regarding this paper has also been…
Category: Achievements

Meta-Optics Award
D1 Yamaguchi received the Meta-Optics Award at the first meeting by the Meta-Optics Research Group of the Optical Society of Japan held on May 24, 2024. Title:窒化シリコンメタサーフェスによる高効率フルカラーホログラム(Highly efficient full-color holograms with silicon nitride metasurfaces)

Student Award
Hada, a student of our laboratory, received the Student Award at ALPS2024 held from April 22 to 26, 2024.Presentation title:Alvarez Metalens with Polarization Separation Function

Published in Nanophotonics
An original paper submitted by Yamaguchi has been published in Nanophotonics (IF=7.923), De Gruyter. A press release of this paper was introduced on the official website of TUAT. This paper reports on the projection of 30 frames of full-color movie, achieving 92.0% transmittance and 72.7% diffraction efficiency by using silicon…

APS Best Applied Paper Award
Our student Yamaguchi received the APS Best Applied Paper Award at Metamaterials’2023 held from September 11 to 16, 2023.Title:Naked-eye Observable Animation with 3D Metasurface Holograms

Best Poster Award
Our student Yamaguchi received the Best Poster Award at THE 7TH A3 METAMATERIALS FORUM 2023 held from June 26 to 29, 2023.Title:Improvement of transmittance and diffraction efficiency of holograms using silicon nitride metasurface