Recent events
- IEEE MEMS2025At The 38th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2025) to…
- 1st meeting of the Meta-Optics Research GroupD1 Yamaguchi, M2 Matsuda, M2 Ponrapee, and M1 Onozawa gave poster presentations at the 1st…
- Metamaterials’2023At M2 Aoki and M2 Yamada gave oral presentations and M2 Yamaguchi gave a poster…
- Future Technologies from Kumamoto 2023D1 Yamaguchi and M1 Matsuda gave poster presentations at The 40th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM on Sensors,…
- THE 7TH A3 METAMATERIALS FORUM 2023Iwami gave a lecture and M2 Yamaguchi and M2 Yamada gave poster presentations at THE…
- The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2024) 2024/04/22-26At The 13thAdvancedLasers andPhotonSources Conference (ALPS2024) to be held at Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, M2 Hada1…
- NEMS2024Iwami will make an Invited Lecture on IEEE-NEMS 2024, held at Kyoto University of Advanced…
- ICNN2024Iwami will have an Invited Talk at the International Conference on Nano-photonics and Nano-optoelectronics (ICNN2024),…
- PIERS2024Iwami will have an Invited Talk at the PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, also known as Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2024), held in…
- IEEE MEMS 2023M. Yamaguchi gave a poster presentation at IEEE MEMS2023, the top conference in the field…
- EventsRecent events
- 2024/4/22-24 Iwami will have an Invited Talk at ICNN2024 (Pacifico Yokohama).
- 2024/4/21-25 Iwami will have an Invited Talk at PIERS2024 (Chengdu, China).
- 2023/3/15-18 Iwami, Tahn, and Shimatani have talks at 応物春講演会(上智大学).
- 2023/1/14-18 IEEE MEMS 2023(ドイツ ミュンヘン)でM1山口がポスター発表しました。
- 2022/12/5-7 ICST’15(オーストラリア シドニー)でM2阿出川,石塚,齋藤が口頭発表しました。
- 2022/8/3-5 ODF’22(北海道 札幌)で岩見が講演しました。
- 2022/8/1-5 CLEO-PR 2022(北海道 札幌)でM1山口が口頭発表しました。
- 2022/7/29-31 APNFO13(北海道 札幌)でM2高木,中村,M1青木が口頭発表しました。