An article1 co-authored by M2 Prutphongs, M1 Ito, Gen12th Aoki, Principal Researcher Motoharu Hiroki from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), and Assistant Professor Satoshi Ikezawa from Waseda University has been published in Optics Express (IF=3.2), issued by Optica. A press release regarding this paper has also been featured on the official website of TUAT. This paper successfully integrated three types of optical elements—lens, prism, and quarter-wave plate (QWP)—into a single ultra-thin element called as metasurface. This achievement is expected to be applied to ultra-compact atomic clocks that can be installed in smartphones, making them nearly three times smaller and thinner compared to conventional compact atomic clocks.

Schematic of a developed multifunctional metasurface

A future ultra-compact optical cell for atomic clocks, envisioned for application with this technology
- Ponrapee Prutphongs, Katsuma Aoki, Ryosei Ito, Motoaki Hara, Satoshi Ikezawa, and Kentaro Iwami, “Highly efficient multifunctional metasurface integrating lens, prism, and wave plate,” Opt. Express 32, 28599-28610 (2024),